
0 Review of book "two states"

What would happen if Sachin Tendulkar appears as lead hero in a bolywood masalaa movie. What would happen if Dr. Abdul Kalam starts playing a cricket match in eden garden. What would happen if Mrs Sonia Gandhi appears in saas-bahu serial in a lead role. Yes that movie would be the biggest hit. It will break all records at the box office. The entire Eden Garden would be jam packed full to see a cricket match with Dr. Kalam as an opener.

Let us give a second thought. IIT JEE is a craze for over a million school boys of 17 years old. At least half a million dream for a single seat out of five thousands availability in the B.Tech first year in one of the IIT. So, four lacks ninety five thousand teenagers get disappointed every year. Going by the simple calculation among millions of people in the age group of 21 to 27 there are 3.5 million people, who once dreamed about getting into IIT end up settling down somewhere else.

There are 300 million people in India (equivalent to population of US) whose purchasing power is more than twenty thousand rupees a month. There is army of youths who starts earning early (in early twenties). They are exposed to western culture thanks to multiple ways of socialization, communication, and entertainment. They have Indian values with western mindset confusing them all the while.

Above three paragraphs should be sufficient to convey my review of the book “Two states” written by Mr. Chetal Bhagat. First of all the literature of the book is such that it could not have been sold alone. It is the IIT+IIM combination which is being sold in the market. Mr. Chetan Bhagat is at the wrong place doing something good as an author as Dr. Kalam as opener of a cricket match, Tendular as a lead role in bolywood masala movie and Sonia Gandhi as lead role in Saas-bahu serial.

Mr. Chetan bhagat has done the same thing bolywood have been doing since long. If you can not sale your art and creativity, sale the sex. It has been sold in past, it is still being sold in the market and it will continue in the future too. After all, millions of confused young minds would love read how an IITian in IIM persuade his girlfriend for having sex. They would love to read what a girl would write to his boyfriend about this three odd letter word. Chetan Bhagat exploited this mindset very well through this book.

The book starts with the multiple such instances where the main character of the novel persuade his girlfriend. The story move fast how two families came as individual obstacles. How two families try to show off their respective culture, leaving behind the feeling of two highly educated minds. Author explained the mentality of the people coming from two contradicting cultures with the story. The novel has well woven story with multiple numbers of breath holding ups and downs. However authors has gone being permissible level of authority to put fiction (read false storyline) in the non-fiction book. Read following quotation:

Most women at conveyor belt looked like Ananya’s mother. I couldn’t tell one from the other. They all wore tones of gold, but somehow it looked more understated than Pammi’s necklaces that had precious stones and pearls hanging from them shapeless dry fruit.

I came out of airport. I had to find an auto to go to my chummery.

Who will tell author that there is no auto available at the airport.

“Can’t it wait? The old gentleman asked. “she is having her final interview. All our senior management is here. “

Actually I can’t”, I said …

… Ananya Swaminathan, I, Krish Malhotra, am deeply in love with you and want to be with you always, apart from when we go to office of course. Will you marry me?”

I am wondering is it really possible in real life, that a boy will go to the interview room where his girlfriend is getting interviewed for her first ever job.

It appears to me, it is not a book. It is a script for yet another comedy movie of bolywood with Paresh Rawal as father of heroine, Amresh Puri as father of hero and with Sanjay Datt in the lead role. It is a disappointment to conventional reader who will not find anything beyond the story itself. Generally author has authority to write something which is non-obvious. Mr. Chetan Bhagat did not show any kind of authority either on the language or on the story itself which is non-obvious for a common man. Story and conclusion is very straightforward. If we leave behind the athority of an author to take control of the feelings of reader by non-obvious explanation, I will give 10 out of 10 to the author as a script writer of comedy movie.

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